Dry Needling Masterclass - Shoulder
Dr Johnson McEvoy MISCP, PT
1 Day
8 hour
Cost: €159
You must have completed a 3 day trigger point dry needling course to attend.
Knowledge & skill-based
Strong emphasis on safety & technique​
13 Muscles
Levator scapula
Serratus anterior
Teres minor
Teres major
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor

Trigger Point Dry Needling - Shoulder Masterclass
The course is designed for Physiotherapists (PT's), MDs, ATC, DO, DC
Duration of the Course 8 hours
Course Outline
Upper limb tasks and activities require complex coordinated movements of the cervical-thoracic- scapular, shoulder and upper limb. Prevalence of shoulder pain is high. It is not surprising that shoulder pain and dysfunction is one of the most common presentations in musculoskeletal physiotherapy clinics.
Myofascial pain is one of the most common presentations in shoulder pain especially in relation to the weak and painful shoulder, with referral often mimicking or coexisting with rotator cuff or subacromial pain syndrome type presentations. Weakness and low fatigue resistance is one of the considered mechanisms for the precipitation of myofascial pain.
There are many muscles that refer pain and inhibit strength of the shoulder complex. Knowledge and assessment of these muscles is important in the management of shoulder pain, both in the sporting and general population.
This course will review the muscles of the shoulder complex that are commonly involved in shoulder pain. Will be in expert review of both manual palpation and dry needling technique for the management of myofascial shoulder pain.
This course will improve your expertise, safety and evidence informed application of myofascial therapy and dry needling for people which shoulder pain.
Recent evidence supports DN in shoulder conditions for improving quality of life, function, and reducing cost.
Course Contents
This course will develop and integrate your clinical and dry needling skills to optimise the treatment of shoulder pain. An emphasis will be placed on evidenced-informed high-quality safe needling techniques. The course is practically based. Pre-course material will review relevant aspects to prepare you for the practical elements of the course.
This course meets the criteria for CPD for the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Guidelines for Dry Needling 2012
Shoulder review
Differential diagnosis
Shoulder muscle pain, brief relevance & science of TrPs
Evidence for DN & the shoulder etc
The weak and painful shoulder / the stiff and painful shoulder
Practical elements
Length testing: sleeper stretch (infra/post capsule) / external rotation (subscap/ant capsule) length tests
Muscle strength testing of the rotator cuff/trap/serratus ant
Muscle palpation
Trigger point dry needling of 13 muscles with clinical relevancy
Background References
Trigger points of the shoulder – McEvoy & Dommerholt (2011) from Donatelli Physical Therapy of the Shoulder
Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder region – McEvoy, O’Sullivan, Bron (2011 & 2016) Manual therapy for musculoskeletal pain syndromes
The Sporting Shoulder & TrPs: various presentations including lecture talk for 2013 Glasgow; USA 2016
Dry needling is within the scope of practice for Chartered Physiotherapists and HSE within Ireland. MISCP's need to follow the 2012 ISCP Dry Needling Guidelines for Dry Needling. This course is cognisant of the 2012 Guidelines and Johnson was the lead project manager for the guideline development.
If you plan to work abroad, we advise you that you familiarize yourself with the relevant regulatory requirements of a specific country including you also make sure that Dry Needling is included in your professional liability insurance.
For any other profession within Ireland, we advise you to contact your professional body.